These are my main tips which are so small and so easily forgotten about but they could make the difference between having a smooth last hour instead of running around faffing over silly little things that could of been done earlier 🤗
We all know trying to organise a wedding is HARD and full on! So here are just a few helpful tips and tricks I have picked up working on lots of wedding mornings. So do all these things the day before so you don't have to worry about them on the morning;
Take tags off all products; including dresses, veils etc (I always find everyone runs around looking for scissors as they get into their dresses and always seems to create a huge stress and pressure.
Take stickers off bottom of shoes (this always gets overlooked as when do you turn your shoes upside down 🤪)

Get your wedding bag ready (the one your bridal party will hold for you) this includes things like your lippy and powder to top up during the day and a mini perfume)
Clean any jewellery (rings, earrings, necklace etc)
Have plenty of food and water, its so important to stay hydrated and nibble on little bits if your not feeling a full on breakfast as no one wants a faint bride.
Emergency kit; you may not need it but you are prepared for the worst; little scissors, thread and needle, safety pins, nail file, plasters, paracetamol, chewing gum (incase you don't have a toothbrush and paste and not getting ready in your hotel)

Have button down shirts or gowns (anything that isn't going to go over your head so you don't have to worry about your hair getting ruined afters its been done)
Hope this helps! Keep up to date with my tips and tricks here.
All my love, Melissa xx